James L. Park 




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Academic Profile

B.A. 1963, University of Texas, Austin
M.S. 1964, Yale University, New Haven
Ph.D. 1967, Yale University, New Haven

Grader, University of Texas, 1960-63
Assistant Lab Instructor, Yale, 1963-64
Assistant Instructor, Yale, 1964-67
Assistant Professor of Physics, Washington State University, 1967-73
Tenure, 1971
Associate Professor of Physics, Washington State University, 1973-77
Professor of Physics, Washington State University, 1977-95
Chairman, Department of Physics, Washington State University, 1977-80
Visiting Professor, MIT, 1980-81 (Professional Leave)
Professor Emeritus of Physics, Washington State University, 1995-2023

Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Eta Sigma
Sigma Pi Sigma
Sigma Xi

Ph.D. thesis, Problems Concerning Measurement: A Study of the Foundations of Quantum Theory, Yale University, 1967.


1. Henry Margenau and James L. Park
Objectivity in Quantum Mechanics
Chapter 10 in Delaware Seminar in the Foundations of Physics, edited by M. Bunge, Studies in the Foundations Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Vol 1. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 161-187 (1967).

2. James L. Park
Complementarity without Paradox; A Physicist's Reply to Professor Austin
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, Vol. 2, 382-388 (1967).

3. James L. Park
Nature of Quantum States
American Journal of Physics, Vol. 36, 211-226 (1968).

4. James L. Park
Quantum Theoretical Concepts of Measurement I
Philosophy of Science, Vol. 35, 205-231 (1968).

5. James L. Park and Henry Margenau
Simultaneous Measurability in Quantum Theory
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 1, 211-283 (1968).

6. James L. Park
Quantum Theoretical Concepts of Measurement II
Philosophy of Science, Vol. 35, 389-411 (1968).

7. James L. Park
Quantum Physics and the Macrocosmos
Scientia 103, 569-584 (1968).

8. James L. Park and Henry Margenau
The Logic of Noncommutability of Quantum Mechanical Operators and Its Empirical Consequences
Chapter 5 in Perspectives in Quantum Theory. Essays in Honor of Alfred Landé, edited by W. Yourgrau and A. Van der Merwe, ISBN : 0262240149, M.I.T. Press, Cambridge, MA, 37-70 (1971).

9. James L. Park
The Concept of Transition in Quantum Mechanics
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 1, 23-33 (1970).
This paper contains the first statement and proof of the "no-cloning theorem" , rediscovered twelve years later by other authors and recognized as a keystone of quantum information, quantum thermodynamics, and quantum computation.

10. William Band and James L. Park
The Empirical Determination of Quantum States
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 1, 133-144 (1970).
This paper, together with papers 13, 14, 24, 36, 41, contains the first pioneering statements and general results of the fields that much later were dubbed "Quantum Tomography" and, more recently, "Generalized Bloch Vector Representations of Density Operators."

11. James L. Park
Quantum Systems, Part I: The Physical Nonexistence of Particles
Scientia 105, 269-279 (1970).

12. James L. Park
Quantum Systems, Part II: The Primitivity of Measurement
Scientia 105, 370-381 (1970).

13. James L. Park and William Band
A General Theory of Empirical State Determination in Quantum Physics: Part I
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 1, 211-226 (1971).

14. William Band and James L. Park
A General Method of Empirical State Determination in Quantum Physics: Part II
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 1, 339-357 (1971).

15. James L. Park and William Band
Quantum Mechanical State Preparation: A Simple Model
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 6, 9-29 (1972).

16. James L. Park
The Self-Contradictory Foundations of Formalistic Quantum Measurement Theories
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 8 211-218 (1973).

17. James L. Park and Henry Margenau
The Physics and the Semantics of Quantum Measurement
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 3, 19-28 (1973).

18. William Band and James L. Park
Relations among Elements of the Density Matrix: I. Definiteness Inequalities
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 14, 551-553 (1973).

19. James L. Park and William Band
Relations among Elements of the Density Matrix: II. Exotic Conservation Laws
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 14, 688-691 (1973).

20.William Band and James L. Park
Comments Concerning 'A New Look at the Quantum Mechanical Problem of Measurement'
American Journal of Physics, Vol.41, 1021-1022 (1973).

21. James L. Park
Book Review of Gerald Holton's Thematic Origins of Scientific Thought: Kepler to Einstein
American Journal of Physics, Vol.42, 346-347 (1974).

22. James L. Park
Quantum Mechanical State Preparation II: The Statistical Ensemble as a Thermostat
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 9, 415-424 (1974)

23. James L. Park
The Measurement Act in Quantum Physics
Chapter 4 in Vistas in Physical Reality, edited by E. Laszlo and E. B. Sellon (Plenum Press, New York, 1976), pp. 63-79.

24. James L. Park and William Band
Mutually Exclusive and Exhaustive Quantum States
Foundations of Physics, Vol.6, 157-172 (1976).

25. William Band and James L. Park
New Information-Theoretic Foundations for Quantum Statistics
Foundations of Physics, Vol.6, 249-262 (1976).

26. James L. Park
Book Review of F. J. Belinfante's Measurements and Time Reversal in Objective Quantum Theory
Physics Today, p. 54 (August 1976).

27. James L. Park and William Band
Rigorous Information-Theoretic Derivation of Quantum Statistical Thermodynamics I
Foundations of Physics, Vol.7, 233-244 1977).

28. William Band and James L. Park
Rigorous Information-Theoretic Derivation of Quantum Statistical Thermodynamics II
Foundations of Physics, Vol.7, 705-721 (1977).

29. James L. Park and William Band
Generalized Two-Level Quantum Dynamics I. Representations of the Kossakowski Conditions
Foundations of Physics, Vol.7, 813-825 (1977).

30. James L. Park
Review of B. d'Espagnat's Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
American Scientist, Vol. 65, 354-355 (1977).

31. James L. Park
Review of G. Holton's Method and Appraisal in the Physical Sciences
American Journal of Physics, Vol.45, 501 (1977).

32. William J. Lehr and James L. Park
A Stochastic Derivation of the Klein-Gordon Equation
Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 18, 1235-1240 (1977).

33. William Band and James L. Park
Generalized Two-Level Quantum Dynamics II. Non-Hamiltonian State Evolution
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 8, 45-58 (1978).

34. James L. Park and William Band
Generalized Two-Level Quantum Dynamics III. Irreversible Conservative Motion
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 8, 239-254 (1978).

35. William Band and James L. Park
Some Fundamental Difficulties with Quantum Mechanical Collision Theory
Foundations of Physics, Vol.8, 677-694 (1978).

36. William Band and James L. Park
Quantum State Determination: Quorum for a Particle in One Dimension
American Journal of Physics, Vol. 47, 188-191 (1979).

37. Todd Gilmore Jr. and James L. Park
Superselection Rules in Quantum Theory I. A New Proposal for State Restriction Violation
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 9, 537-556 (1979).

38. James L. Park
Superselection Rules in Quantum Theory II. Subensemble Selection
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 9, 739-749 (1979).

39. William Band and James L. Park
Comments on 'The Density Matrix of Scattered Particles'
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 9, 937-938 (1979).

40. James L. Park
Book Review of H.I. Brown's Perception, Theory, and Commitment: The New Philosphy
American Journal of Physics, Vol. 47, 1110 (1979).

41. James L. Park, William Band, and Wolfgang Yourgrau
Simultaneous Measurement, Phase-space Distributions, and Quantum State Determination
Annalen der Physik, Vol. 7, 189-199 (1980).

42. Ralph F. Simmons, Jr and James L. Park
On Completely Positive Maps in Generalized Quantum Dynamics
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 11, 47- 55 (1981).
See also the related paper number 46, where they correct an issue regarding complete positivity of the Bloch equations.

43. Ralph F. Simmons, Jr and James L. Park
The Essential Nonlinearity of N-level Quantum Thermodynamics
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 11, 297- 305 (1981).

44. James L. Park and Ralph F. Simmons, Jr
The Knots of Quantum Thermodynamics
Chapter 19 in Old and New Questions in Physics. Cosmology. Philosophy, and Theoretical Biology, edited by Alwyn van der Merwe, (Springer, Boston, MA, 1983), pp. 289-308.

45. James L. Park
Book Review of R. Schlegel's Superposition and Interaction: Coherence in Physics
American Journal of Physics, Vol. 49, 703-704 (1981).

46. Ralph F. Simmons, Jr and James L. Park
Another Look at Complete Positivity in Generalized Quantum Dynamics: Reply to Raggio and Primas
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 12, 437-439 (1982).

47. Gian Paolo Beretta, Elias P. Gyftopoulos, James L. Park, and George N. Hatsopoulos
Quantum Thermodynamics. A New Equation of Motion for a Single Constituent of Matter
Nuovo Cimento B, Vol. 82,169-191 (1984).

48. James L. Park
Book Review of P. Heelan's Space-Perception and the Philosophy of Science
American Journal of Physics, Vol. 52, 382-383 (1984).

49. Gian Paolo Beretta, Elias P. Gyftopoulos, and James L. Park
Quantum Thermodynamics. A New Equation of Motion for a General Quantum System
Nuovo Cimento B, Vol. 87, 77-97 (1985).

50. James L. Park
Thermodynamic Aspects of Schrödinger's Probability Relations
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 18, 225-244 (1988).

51. Elias P. Gyftopoulos and James L. Park
Letter Concerning Quantum Foolishness
Physics Today, Vol. 42, 98-100 (1989).

52. James L. Park
Book Review of K. Laurikainen's Beyond the Atom: The Philosophical Thought of Wolfgang Pauli
American Journal of Physics, Vol. 57, 1054-1055 (1989).

53. James L. Park
Quantum Assembly Semantics: The Fallacious Lingo of Occupation Numbers
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 21, 83-92 (1991).

54. James L. Park and William Band
Preparation and Measurement in Quantum Physics
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 22, 657-668 (1992).

55. James L. Park
Henry Margenau: Physicist-Philosopher
Foundations of Physics, Vol. 22, 653-656 (1992).